Is your skin breaking out? What exactly is your skin trying to tell you. Well, in this article we are going to break down what is a acne face map, acne types, acne zones and more. As you are well aware acne isn’t easy to deal with. However, the more you educate yourself on acne types the better. When you understand your health and body, it is simpler to pinpoint a cause and cure your acne.
It cannot be denied that acne is a common skin issue. Unfortunately, millions of people suffer with it. Are you suffering from acne? If so, you have come to the right place. In this guide, you will learn everything you need to know about acne, acne types and what’s an acne face map, so you can identify problems.
Acne Zones: See the Acne Face Map for Details
Before we proceed, let us first define acne meaning. Acne is a chronic inflammatory skin disorder of the sebaceous glands characterized by comedones and blemishes. Also it is usually triggered by hormonal changes. It begins when person reaches puberty but adult acne is also prevalent as well. The causes of acne are:
- Genetics/heredity
- Clogged follicles
- Bacteria
- triggers include hormones, stress, cosmetics, skin care products, and food
What Is an Acne FACE Map?
“The eyes are the window of your soul,” is what everyone says. Similarly, your face can be a window to your health. The acne chart originated from ancient Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine. Also, it is a traditional way of comparing the acne on your face to health problems, which can affect your main systems of the human body or organs in the body.
Through the acne face map, you can determine the condition of your health.
Scientific research shows that some health problems have a relation to an exact location on the face where the acne breaks out. However, to understand more about this theory, read further.
Acne Face Map: Forehead Acne
According to the acne face chart, acne on your forehead is related to your bladder and digestive system. Futhermore, breakouts from this area mean that you need to stay hydrated. How can you make this happen? Establish a clean diet by drinking lots of water and eating more vegetables and fruits. Meanwhile, keep in mind that excess oil production is a common cause of acne on your forehead.
Acne Face Map: Acne Nodule
The acne nodule is caused by a bacterium. Nodules occur when clogged, swollen pores endure further irritation and grow larger. If the infection spreads under your skin, it can make the affected pores swollen and red. The acne nodule is considered a severe acne type. This type of acne is a small bump under your skin. In addition, it is painful to touch.
Acne Face Map: Acne on Cheeks
Acne on cheeks can happen due to acne mechanica. It can be developed from rubbing your skin or friction. A few examples of this is when:
- You hold your cell phone against your face
- You wear clothing or equipment with chin strap
- Or, move your face against the pillow as you sleep
In the acne chart, if you have acne on cheeks it can tell plenty about your health. According to Chinese medicine, acne on your left cheek can be associated with your liver. Also, it is advisable for you to consume cooling foods including cucumber, and winter melon. On the other hand, the acne on the right cheek is related to your lungs. So, you must prevent eating junk food and cut back on your sugar consumption.
Acne Face Map: Acne Around Nose
Acne around your nose can be associated with your heart and lungs. To avoid breakout around your nose, you must cut back on meat, spicy foods, and salt. Instead, you can eat veggies, fruits, and nuts. In addition, if you have acne around your nose, it is advisable to check your vitamin B levels and blood pressure. Also, excess oil production is one of the reasons for breakouts in this area.
Acne Face Map: Acne on Neck
Having acne on your neck can be connected to hormonal imbalance. It is advisable for you to check your hormones especially if you have neck acne under the jawline or under the chin. Also, you must reduce your refined sugar intake since it can worsen hormonal imbalance. In addition, you must make sure that the conditioner and shampoo you use are ideal for the type of your skin. Therefore, for this reason hair products can migrate and clog pores on your neck area.
Acne Face Map: Acne Around Mouth and Chin
If you have acne around the mouth, it can be caused by your diet. Consequently, the acne around your mouth area can be related to your digestive organs including your liver and intestines. Therefore, you must eat more fruits, vegetables, and fiber. You must reduce your consumption of fried and spicy foods, too.
On the other hand, acne around your chin is also related to hormonal imbalance. Furthermore, stress can also be a reason for breakouts in this area. The best way you can fight this battle is to take omega-3 and drink spearmint tea to soothe these breakouts. Also, you must seek the advice of your gynecologist to confirm your hormone levels are balanced.
Acne Face Map: Acne Upper Lip /Acne Around Lips
Having acne on your upper lip can be caused by ointments and lip balms. Also, it can also be a result of hormonal change during your menstrual period. If you are experiencing acne around your lips, this can be caused by hormonal imbalance. It can also be the result of:
- Bacteria
- Excess oil production
- Hair follicles clogged by debris, dead skin and oil
The use of petroleum jelly and lip balm can also cause acne around lips. So, you must keep your skin clean and prevent scrubbing your skin.
Acne Face Map: Acne on Chest and Back
Acne on the chest has a connection to liver imbalance, imbalance in the gut, and allergic reaction. In addition, chest acne can be caused by food sensitivities or poor diet. Therefore, you must avoid spicy foods and drink more warm beverages.
Meanwhile, acne on your back can be associated with hormonal fluctuations. Unfortunately, this can be caused by your sweaty lifestyle. So, if you have an active lifestyle, you must take a shower afterward to help your skin breath. To avoid breakouts on your back, you must get more sleep and cut back on fried foods.
Acne Types
Thanks to scientific research, it has been revealed why and how acne happens. Bottom line, acne is caused by a combination of things, including:
- Friction
- Hormonal Changes
- Bacteria
- Medications
- Stress
- Bacteria
- Genetics
Acne is one of the United States’ most common skin problems. What’s the difference between a whitehead, blackhead, or cyst? The following information will guide you to identify the different types of acne.
Acne Vulgaris
This acne is known for its medical name, the Acne vulgaris. It includes whiteheads, blackheads, and pimples. Also, this type of acne is usually found on the shoulders, face, back and chest. Above all, you must get a acne treatment for acne vulgaris with the help of someone like Alicia Suggs of The L.A. Glow. An esthetician in Woodland Hills, CA.
Whiteheads occur underneath your skin’s surface. This acne is usually small and round, which has a yellowish or white appearance. Some factors that can cause whiteheads include:
- Diet
- Hormones
- Oily Skin
- Puberty
- Cosmetics
- Face Moisturizers
Blackheads Bacteria
Blackheads bacteria have a similar appearance to whiteheads. The only difference is that it has a dark or black color. Also, blackheads rise to the surface of your skin. The bump can be darker if your skin is exposed to air, which can trap the oil inside the pore. In addition, common factors that can cause blackheads include diet, hormones, irritated hair follicles, and skincare products.
A small elevation on the skin that contains no fluid, but may develop into a pustule. Papules may have a varied appearance in color and are either rounded, smooth, or rough.
This acne type is the same as papules. However, it’s an inflamed papule with white or yellow center containing pus, a fluid consisting of white blood cells, bacteria, and other debris.
Cysts can be formed underneath your skin. A closed, abnormally developed sac containing fluid, infection, or other matter below the skin. It’s common in menstruating women. Finally, unbalanced estrogen levels collide with follicles, which can trigger cysts deep underneath your skin.
It is characterized as smaller bumps caused by conditions such as scar tissue, fatty deposits, or infections. These are often referred to as tumors.
Acne vs. Pimples
Are you confused about acne and pimples? Then, consider the following ideas.
Acne has a scientific name, which we just discussed, acne vulgaris. Breakouts emerge on your skin. On the other hand, pimples can be caused by puberty. It can be a sign of physical maturity into an adult. Also, pimples can occur when the clogged pores are infected.
The difference between a pimple and acne is that a pimple is commonly a singular infected bump, while acne includes the presence of different breakouts across your skin. So, you must be responsible and take control of the problem right away.
Hormonal Acne
Did you know hormonal acne is a type of acne, which is caused by hormonal changes including the rise of androgens like testosterone?
Hormonal Acne Causes
Do you want to learn what causes hormonal acne? Well, it is actually quite a simple explanation. Hormonal acne can be caused by hormone influx from:
- Menopause
- Menstruation
- Increased Androgen Levels
- Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
Where Does Hormonal Acne Appear
Hormonal acne areas commonly appear in your T-zone, which includes nose, forehead and chin. It can occur on your lower face including around your jawline and bottom of your cheeks. Also, hormonal acne around your mouth is especially common if you are suffering from stress. We live in a stressful world, so if you have this type of acne it is not unusual.
How to Treat Hormonal Acne
Treating hormonal acne is not difficult. Traditional treatments for hormonal acne include oral contraceptives, retinoids, and anti-androgen drugs. Also, there are natural treatments available, which include tea tree oil, green tea and alpha hydroxy acid.
Diet for Hormonal Acne
There are those who don’t believe diet can help you in your fight against acne. I’m not one of them. If you are suffering from hormonal acne, you must establish a hormonal acne diet. Plant-based foods, which are rich in antioxidants can boost clearer skin and decrease inflammation. Also, if you prefer omega-3 fatty acids, they can reduce skin inflammation.
What else can help? You must limit your intake of:
- Dairy products
- Sugar
- Red meats
- Refined carbs like pasta and white bread
Hormonal Acne Birth Control
You may not know it, but birth control can help to reduce hormonal acne. Thus, hormonal acne from birth control can reduce androgen circulation, which also decreases sebum production. Birth control can affect hair and skin. Well, birth control can also affect hormonal acne.
Hormonal Acne Accutane
Accutane for hormonal acne can be effective, but you must first consult with a physician. It can be helpful for hormonal acne by balancing your hormones and enhancing the activity of your sebaceous glands. Note, Accutane can cause birth defects, so it is not suggested for pregnant women.
What Does Hormonal Acne Look Like?
Hormonal acne can take on different forms, including small pimples, whiteheads, blackheads or cysts.
Hormonal Acne Foods
To improve your skin condition, you must be able to identify the hormonal acne foods. Afterwards, your diet can have a great impact on your skin.
What To Eat
- Fruits
- Vegetables
- Healthy fats
- Whole grains
- High-quality protein
- Anti-inflammatory spices and herbs
What Not To Eat
- Avoid highly processed foods
- Sugary beverages and sweets
- Milk
- Dairy products
Hormonal Acne vs. Regular Acne
As I said earlier, hormonal acne is a type of acne that is caused by hormonal changes. Meanwhile, regular acne is a condition when your hair follicles are clogged with dead skin cells and oil. Keep in mind, it affects individuals of all ages.
Dealing with Hormonal Acne
Does hormonal acne go away? Hormonal acne can go away if you practice a regular skincare routine. First of all, you must wash your face twice a day – morning and evening. Also, you should wear sunscreen daily and establish a healthy diet. You can opt for non-comedogenic products to reduce clogged pores. So, do you wonder, when does hormonal acne stop? Hormonal acne can stop, but you must be patient.
What Is Acne Cosmetica?
Acne Cosmetica is the persistent mild breakouts on your scalp, neck, and face. The main cause of it is cosmetic use. It looks like small bumps across the surface of your skin or scalp. In addition, it will look and feel rough.
When a beauty product collects within the follicle, the pore becomes blocked. As a result, excess skin oil builds up, this in turn clogs your pores and creates an unwanted blemish. In addition, old-fashioned pomades, hair oils, heavy moisturizers, thick eye creams, and makeup are all culprits that cause acne cosmetica.
Who Coined the Term and Why?
The Acne Cosmetica is a term coined by a dermatologist Otto H. Mills and Albert M. Kligman in 1972. It is coined to represent the post-adolescent acne they know is caused by using cosmetics.
How Long Does Acne Cosmetica Last?
Did you know acne Cosmetica can last up to a few weeks or months? It’s true.
Acne During Pregnancy
Acne with Pregnancy / Acne While Pregnant
Did you know acne with pregnancy is common? It’s true. It can be caused by increasing hormone levels during your first trimester. In addition, acne and pregnancy are related. It is a natural condition due to your hormone levels. Also, this is a delicate time, so you must learn how to deal with your acne while pregnant. The best thing to do is to talk to your doctor.
Acne and Birth Control
Acne Yaz
What is Yaz? It is a birth control pill that you can use for treating acne since it can suppress the body’s androgen hormones production.
Acne with Mirena
A good IUD for treatment is Mirena.
Acne Before Period
It cannot be denied that acne can occur before a period. The reason behind this is that your hormones fluctuate (like crazy sometimes) during your menstrual cycle. Before your period, your estrogen levels increase while your progesterone levels decrease.
Acne Excoriee
What Is Acne Excoriee?
Acne Excoriee is called the picker’s acne. Why? It is the result of acne lesions, which are scratched and squeezed compulsively. Also, it is related to anxiety, depression and other emotional problems.
Acne Lesions
Acne lesions are a condition that includes blackheads, whiteheads, pustules, papules, cysts, and nodules, which lead to scarring. In addition, it is found on the chest, face, back, and shoulders.
Acne Keloids
Acne keloidalis Nuchae
Did you know acne keloidalis Nuchae is a condition wherein a follicular-based pustule and papule can form keloid-like or hypertrophic scars?
Acne keloidalis
Acne keloidalis is a folliculitis, an inflammation of hair follicle. It can affect your nape and back of your head. Also, it starts with itchy and small bumps around your hairline or back of your neck.
Acne Diet

Acne and Diet
Did you know acne and diet are associated with each other? Thus, your diet can have a great impact on developing acne. For instance, consumption of omega-3 fatty acids can reduce acne breakouts. It has been suggested that you stay clear of dairy products and food rich in glycemic load and glycemic index.
Acne Gluten
Did you know acne and gluten are also correlated with each other? Gluten is a protein that is found in grains and wheat is another dietary consideration. Also,I must say there isn’t a ton of scientific evidence that suggests gluten causes acne. However, some swear that a gluten-free diet helped them to reduce the risk of acne. You’ll have try it out and see if it works for you.
Acne and Dairy
It is said that dairy can cause or irritate acne for some individuals. This is true because dairy cows are treated using artificial hormones that can affect the supply of milk.
Acne Rash
Acne Inflammation
Did you know acne inflammation can be caused by clogged pores? It is characterized by redness, swelling, and pores that are deeply clogged with bacteria.
Acne Itches
Acne can be painful and itchy. Also, acne itches can be caused by skin reactions to chemicals, sweat, UV light, heat, and allergies.
Acne Bumps
Acne bumps are commonly found on the back, shoulders, face, and chest. Bumps start if the pores are clogged with bacteria. So, it is important to visit an esthetician. Many people have acne on their back simply because it’s a hard to reach area when showering. I have solved all of that for you. And, as a result, I have a Back Facial that gets rid of acne and relaxes your body.
Acne Rosacea
Acne Rosacea is the condition that causes visible blood vessels and redness on your face. It can produce red and small bumps.
Acne vs. Rosacea
Both acne and rosacea are among the skin problems that people may suffer. Acne can be developed when the pore is clogged with bacteria underneath your skin. On the other hand, rosacea is characterized by bumps and redness. Also, Rosacea is more painful than acne.
Other Types of Acne
Acne Mechanica
Acne mechanica is acne that is common to students, athletes, and soldiers. Also, it can be caused by excess heat, rubbing of the skin, friction, and pressure.
Acne Bacteria
Acne bacteria can lead to inflammatory lesions. The C. acnes bacteria can create innate inflammatory mediators and active enzymes that can lead to acne development.
Acne Genetics
Acne genetics is one of the popular discussions in the world of skincare. However, there is scientific evidence for and against that genes can cause acne. Whether genetics plays a role or not practicing a healthy lifestyle can help you to avoid acne.
Acne Fulminans
Acne fulminans is called acne maligna. It is characterized as acute febrile ulcerative acne conglobata. Also, it includes ulcerating acne, polyarthritis, and fever.
Acne and Stress
Acne can affect the confidence of a person. With this, an individual can be stressed, which can worsen the acne. Also, it is said that stress can lead to breakouts. If you are stressed while having acne, it can also trigger itch.
Acne Facials Near Me (WOODLAND HILLS)
If you have been googling “Facial near me acne, spa in Woodland Hills, esthetician in Woodland Hills, CA” no doubt you are searching because you have other questions. What facial is the best for acne? Which facial is good for acne-prone skin? Should I get a facial if I have acne?
Yes, you absolutely should get a therapeutic facial that includes:
- Steam
- Deep tissue cleansing that rids the skin of excess oils and stimulates circulation
- Deep pore cleansing
- Exfoliation treatment
Frequently Asked Questions
Is Acne Contagious?
No, acne is not contagious.
Are Acne Scars Permanent?
Usually, those red or brown acne marks left behind after pimples clear up will fade with the help of facial treatments from an esthetician. However, picking or squeezing acne can increase the risk for scarring, though.
Is Acne A Disease?
Acne is a long-standing skin disease, which is characterized by clogging of your hair follicles with oil and dead skin. Hence, as I mentioned earlier, it is also called as acne vulgaris.
Is Acne Genetic?
Some believe that acne is related to genetics and others don’t. The scientific community has completely figured this one out.
Can Acne Be Caused by Stress?
Yes, being stressed can trigger acne breakouts and worsen your skin problem. If stressed with acne, it can affect your confidence level. So, you must learn how to manage stress to avoid developing acne.
Best Way To Treat Acne
So, what is a good way to help cure acne? Start with a lifestyle change by:
- Focusing on a clean diet
- Cut out oily foods
- No more high sugars
- Axing all processed foods
- Saying goodbye to gluten
- No more dairy and nuts
What else can you do aside from diet? I suggest you start a regular workout routine. Being physically active can positively affect body function. Also, you should talk with your doctor about your acne and health concerns before embarking on a new exercise routine.
Dealing with acne can be a difficult, frustrating process. Luckily, there are options available to help you treat your existing acne, bring your symptoms under control and prevent any future breakouts.
However, once your diet and physical health is on track, it’s is time to consider a serious acne skincare routine.
With all the information provided in this guide, I hope that you fully understand about acne. Now, it’s time to book your appointment for the Detox – Acne Treatment Facial. This facial is full of nourishing botanicals that go to work immediately healing your skin. In addition, this treatment is firmly focused on eliminating blackheads, whiteheads as well as clogged pores.